Living Dreams

“We are such stuff as dreams are made on.”
Prospero, “The Tempest“
Living Dreams Laboratory is a co-creative therapeutic modality for multifaceted in-depth exploration of dreams. It is dedicated to studying the universe of dreams, and ways in which it is connected to everyday life, one’s past, present and future. Special attention is given to a collective study of various approaches to practical dreamwork.

Since its inception in 2002, Living Dreams Laboratory has been offering a variety of classes and retreats for all age groups in many countries, including the USA, Ukraine, Israel, and Russian Federation.
Living Dreams laboratory was created by Dr. Michael Yoshpa as a harmonious synthesis of many traditional and innovative approaches, which were developed in the course of his extensive study, practice and research.
Living Dreams is a mindfulness-based progressive curriculum designed for beginners as well as advanced practitioners. In Living Dreams Laboratory we share dreams in a dream circle, and analyze specific connections of dreamwork to everyday reality. Everyone has a chance to enter dreams as portals to understanding oneself and one’s life, see how dreams are created within our multidimensional beings, and comprehend their many meanings.
Living Dreams curriculum includes:
An in-depth dreamwork course, comprising traditional and innovative techniques.
Practically exploring meanings of dreams and various connections between dreams and waking life.
Keeping and analyzing a dream journal.
Techniques for remembering dreams.
Study of symbols, archetypes, fairy tales, myths and legends and their use in dreamwork.
Concentration and attention enhancing practices.
Mindfulness practices. Being present in the here-and-now.
Practice of meditation.
Breathing exercises.
Introduction to Polyphonic Perception.
Dreams and dreamwork in world’s spiritual traditions.
Techniques for integrating dreams, imagination and creativity.
Introduction to lucid dreaming.
Process-oriented approaches to working with dreams, emotions and everyday situations.
Theories of personality, character and neuroses.
Analyzing one’s behavior and patterns.
Introduction to the practice of group process facilitation.
Communication and listening skills.
Deep dialogue skills.
The art and science of formulating and asking questions, understanding and analyzing answers.
Strategy of small steps and continuous progress.
Experience-based approaches to learning.
Basic community building skills.
Individual and group homework assignments.
Studying relevant literature and films.
Writing essays and monthly reports.
Designing and writing your own online Living Dreams Encyclopedia textbook.
To schedule your free 20-minutes consultation, contact Dr. Michael Yoshpa
(720) 400-6988

Living Dreams Testimonials
"Living Dreams is something unique… It is difficult to define: is it a workspace, a technology, a program, a dream, a soul-to-soul conversation? Living Dreams for me was a succession of discoveries of my own self, of other people, of my own abilities, of what it is to be human; it is a dialogue about something most intimate held in a safe space. It is a mirror offered to every participant. For me—an educator who works with people all the time—Living Dreams was an experience of being humble before myself, and thus before every human being, working on my ego—getting to know it, and humbly attempting to tame and befriend it, learning psychological intricacies of working with complex mental states of my own and of other people. Living Dreams is full of discoveries—emotional, intellectual, metaphysical, existential. Moreover, it is spending time in a company of wonderful people. I treasure in my heart everyone I met in Living Dreams."
Maria, human rights activist, educator
"For me Living Dreams is a practice:
• a practice of awareness, observation and being in the present moment, seeing unity of the world in its fragments; experiencing the world’s wholeness
• a practice of studying, understanding and comprehending myself, other people and the world
• a practice of love, openness and compassion
• a practice of expanding my horizons and going beyond limitations
• a practice of listening, feeling, going with the flow
• a practice of coming back to myself and being myself
In Living Dreams, we learn how to be at peace, in harmony and beauty with ourselves, with others and the world; we both consecutively and simultaneously dive into dreams and waking life, so the boundary between them becomes more and more transparent, as we become lighter and more sensitive.
Everyone has his/her own path to the Source. My path is through the dreams. If you have a similar feeling, welcome to the laboratory of dreaming while awake."
Tatevik, facilitator, dancer, translator
"I started working with Living Dreams in 2012, and it was a quantum leap in my understanding of the dream world. I learned a lot about many things—symbols, myths, dreams, psyche, life. I learned how to listen to people and truly see them, as I never was able before. I learned how to stay in a dialogue, see connections, clearly think, speak and write.
In the course of my study and therapy, I carried out an enormous amount of inner work. The Living Dreams sessions were very intense, deep, challenging and pithy. I saw such a broad expanse of my inner universe that nowadays my “inner stuff” hardly ever frightens me. Living Dreams brought forth symbols and panoramas of my inner world, which later became significant in my waking life. And it is truly wonderful when such inner map is born from within, and not from outside sources, such as books or teachings.
Living Dreams is a wonderful intellectual and spiritual “workout,” which, honestly speaking, I miss a lot. Michael Yoshpa calls this workout “polyphonic perception,” and it really helps enliven the mind and the soul, and think differently from what we were taught at schools and universities—learn how to look simultaneously from many perspectives: rational, symbolic, imaginal, while engaging emotionally and somatically, and merge scientific, artistic and mythopoetic outlooks.
From my own experience, Living Dreams is not only a psychological practice, but also a spiritual one. During the dreamwork sessions, a special working space, governed by synchronicities, is created, in which all is important, where one can come face-to-face with many kinds of things: joyful, vibrant, frightening, mystical, inspiring, etc."
Maxim, psychotherapist, massage therapist, teacher of body-oriented practices
"Living Dreams are an endless journey. Thanks to them, I discovered infinite worlds within, and mastered the method of free associations.
One of my most important discoveries was becoming familiar with the archetypes, and how they dwell inside me and everyone else. Living Dreams inspired me to study works of C.G. Jung. It was very important to learn that a human being has many parts—light, dark and grey. All these parts live inside us, all are needed for something, and it is very important not to deny the existence of one’s dark sides. So it became much easier for me to accept their presence in my own psyche.
Living Dreams always inspire me to be truly free and creative in my work and art."
Anastasia, psychotherapist, journalist